As Netflix is making a name for itself with naughty rom-coms/sex-coms for teens, their acquiring “Swiped” is no surprise And the movie's not about ANY of them. Writer-director Ann Deborah Fishman (“Marriage Material”) hangs her college copulation comedy on Kendall Ryan Sanders, who was good in “The Best of Enemies,” but is out of his comic depth wrangling this movie version of Sheldon Cooper into somebody funny. James Singer (Sanders) is obsessed with this online “disruption” guru, and computers in general, and starting college at the only school divorced Mom (Leigh-Allyn Baker) and profligate, womanizing Dad (Steve Daron) could afford. His new roomie, Lance (Centineo) is high priest of hook-ups, and utterly dismissive of James, until he and his not-in-a-frat bros (Christian Hutcherson, Nathan Gamble) share Professor Barnes' (Johnson) computer class. “Why would I waste money on a movie, or flowers? That went out with the 20th century...The market is saturated with single, slutty girls. It's a buyers' market.” All I have to do is click.” Hannah's “What's your last name?” and Jane Austen-fixation of “dating” makes her “obsolete.” Naturally, Hannah is James' high school crush. But he keeps on developing “Jungle,” getting it up and operational, turning the tables on bully Lance by making him wait on him hand and foot as he does. Guys, and a few more girls than you'd like, fall right into “Jungle.” Until the “no dating” part of the fine print hits them. No phone calls, no social niceties, no courting. Just lots of tears. Whatever message about empowering entirely-too-compliant coeds into taking control of dating back from the creeps they're dealing with may be worthy James has his big change of heart when his sweet, lonely mother tells him and his bratty/pretty sister (Kalani Hilliker) she's trying out this hot new app (which James takes no credit for). [...]